1. There are two main parts of geography: -

a) Natural geography and     b) Human geography

2. Economic geography is one of the branches of human geography.

3. Definition of economic geography: The branch of geography that studies the production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources and the activities of the people involved in them, subject to space prematurity, is called economic geography.

4. Contents of economic geography:

a) Abundance, distribution and quality of natural resources,

b) the human environment caused by the variation of the natural environment,

c) Human lifestyles and activities caused by differences in natural and man-made environmental elements, and

d) Human activity involved with resources

5. Major Branches of Economic Geography: -

a) Agricultural geography

b) Industrial geography

c) Geography of resources

d) Transportation geography

e) Market geography

f) Geography of planning and development

g) Tourism geography etc.

In all these branches the distribution of human economic activity and the factors and processes associated with it are studied.

6. Scope/Range of economic geography: - The Scope/range of economic geography is basically related to five things-

a) Where the economic activity takes place/located.

b) Characteristics of economic activities.

c) Ancillary matters or to what other phenomena related to the economic activity.

d) The cause of the place where the economic activity took place and

e) The consequences if that economic activity takes place elsewhere.

According to George Chisholm, the main purpose of economic geography is to determine the speed and direction of economic development of a place. According to Jones Darkenwald, economic geography is particularly involved in the study of productive scholarship or activity. That is, economic geography basically studies the productive functions of human beings and their relationship with environmental conditions.

7. Types of human economic activity or occupation:

a) Primary Occupation or First level or primary work: The work by which man directly acquires resources from nature. Such as agriculture, extraction of mineral and forest resources.

b) Secondary Occupation or Second level or secondary work: The work by which man makes the resources extracted from nature suitable for human use through various technologies. Such as- industrial production, construction and reconstruction process etc.

c) Tertiary Occupation or Third level or higher work: The work through which the first and second level products are delivered to the consumer. Such as- travel, transportation, market, communication etc.

d) Quaternary Occupation or Fourth level optional work: The work that makes the Second level and Third level activities more efficient and effective. Such as- bank, media administration, education, research etc.

8. Methods of studying economic geography:

a) Regional approach,

b) Topical or Commodity approach

c) Behavioral approach

d) Principles or Policy-rules approach

e) System analysis approach

f) Institutional approach etc.

9. Importance of studying economic geography:

a) Gaining knowledge about the dependence of different economic activities on the natural environment.

b) To gain knowledge of the abundance, distribution and quality of resources.

c) Determination of human scholarship and standard of living.

d) Planning for well-integrated and sustainable development by discussing economic activities.

e) The study of economic geography is important in every aspect of human resource development mentioned in industrial enterprises, adoption of policy guidelines for building infrastructure.

10. Content/subject matter of Agricultural Geography:

a) Study of factors involved in agricultural work,

b) study of types of agriculture,

c) study of distribution and method of agricultural work,

d) Study of grain production and related formulas,

e) Market study of agricultural commodities,

f) To study import-export etc.

11. Content/subject matter of Industrial/Artistic (Level Two) Geography:

a) To study the economic and other factors involved in setting up the industry.

b) To study the type and distribution of industry.

c) To study the production and quantity of industrial materials.

d) To study the formulas associated with industrial location.

e) To study the market for industrial products.

f) To study the import-export of manufactured goods etc.

12. Content/ subject matter of Resource Geography:

a) To study the type, quantity and regional distribution of resources.

b) To study the process of discovery or extraction of resources.

c) To study the factors involved in the production of resources.

d) To study the relationship between resources and development.

e) To study the use, conservation and management of resources etc.

13. Content/ subject matter of transport geography:

a) To study the type of transport system and the factors involved

b) To study the role of transport in the distribution of resources

c) To study the role of transportation in human travel and activities

d) The role of transport in economic development is studied

14. Content/ subject matter of Market Geography:

a) To study the market setting requirements and its factors

b) To study the types of markets

c) To study the factors of market distribution and distribution

d) To study the relationships between different markets etc.

15. Contents / subject matter of Planning and Development Geography:

a) To study the factors involved in planning and economic development

b) To study the planning system and policies

c) To study sustainable development systems

d) To study the region as well as production based development process etc.

16. Content/ subject matter of Tourism Geography:

a) To study the factors involved in tourism and its development

b) Types of tourism and car of centers To study

c) To study the development process and plan of tourism system etc.

17. Meaning or Definition of Resource / Assets:

All the things necessary for human life which have the function and usefulness qualities like air, water, fruits, house etc. are all called resources.

18. According to Ziammarmann, in order to be an resource/asset, an object must have two qualities, functionality or efficiency  and utility or usefulness.

19. Resource is created as a result of the use of nature, people, values, socio-culture and science and technology.

20. People engage with Resource in two ways - as the production of wealth and as the consumer of wealth.

21. Man-made resources: Houses, roads, enterprises, schools, etc. which as produced by human are called man-made resources.

22. Human beings are called human resources as producers or creators of wealth.

23. Resource is Dynamic or Resource / Asset is variable or mobility of resources:

Resource is dynamic. Even if a product or material is not used by people today or is harmful to people, in the future that content can benefit people. Many such materials have been transformed into resources today as a result of the spread of human knowledge, development of science and technology and efforts. With the social change, the concept, acquisition and use of resources have also changed. For example, it is now possible to generate fire by rubbing primitive human stones, and by using different resources for the same purpose, and to use the same resources for different purposes.

24. Neutral or inactive materials: Ingredients that do no good or harm to human beings are called neutral materials such as mineral oil far beneath the soil.

25. Resistant materials: Ingredients that harm people are called resistant materials such as barren soil, flood prone areas, polluted water etc.

26. Differences in Resources and Materials:  All resources are materials but may not be a material resource.

27. Differences between Resource and property:

a) Materials that have an exchange value are called property, but in order to be a resource or an asset, it must have both functionality and usefulness.

b) Supply of property is limited and transferable, house, shop etc. are property; But water, air, sunlight are not property but resource, hence, all properties are resource, but not all resources can be properties.

c) Resource or wealth benefits people, but property can benefit or harm people.

d) All properties have market value but the market value of all resources cannot be determined.

28. Classification of resource:

A) According to the process of origin/creation-

i) Natural resources, ii) Man-made resources and iii) Human resources

B) According to the structure-

 i) Biotic/organic resources and ii) Abiotic/inorganic resources

C) According to the availability/durability/stability-

i) Renewable resources and ii) Non-renewable resources

D) According to the ownership-

i) Individual/personal resources, ii) National resources and iii) International resources

29. Natural resources: Natural resources that are created in a natural way and spread in nature are called natural resources such as plants, animals, air, water, sunlight, minerals etc.

30. Man-made resources: From natural resources, people use their knowledge, intellect and technology to make materials suitable for their own use. Those materials are called man-made resources such as paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, soap, dyes, oil, food, Medicine, wood, ornaments etc.

31. Human Resources: In fact man is the creator of wealth. Man is called human resource for his own knowledge, intellect, efficiency, education, technology and interest etc. Despite lack of natural resources today only Japan, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea etc. has become one of the leading and prosperous countries in the world.

32. Biotic/organic resources: Biological resources are called biotic resources such as plants, animals, fish, grains, animals, insects, etc.

33. Abiotic/Inorganic resources: Inanimate resources are called abiotic or inorganic resources such as soil, rock, air, water, mountains, coal, petroleum etc.

34. From the point of view of origin, coal, mineral oil, natural gas are considered as inorganic resources as they are essentially lifeless in the present biological state.

35. Renewable resources: Resources that can be used over and over again and never run out are called renewable resources such as air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, people, etc.

36. Non-renewable resources: Resources that cannot be reused or re-created once used are completely depleted. Non-renewable resources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, copper, gold, silver, iron, Limestone etc.

37. Indivual/Personal resources: The property owned or owned by a person is called personal resources such as good character, own education, efficiency, strategy, intellect, own house-land etc.

38. National resources: All the resources under the supervision or possession of a country are called national resources such as roads, rivers, land, bridges, government, sanctuaries, forests, schools, communication system etc.

39. International resources: All the resources of the world, including all countries, are called international resources, such as the sea-ocean, atmosphere, biosphere, continents, space, etc.

40. Ubiquitous/Eternal Resources: Natural resources that are available all over the world are called Ubiquitous/Eternal/Enduring resources such as air, water, sunlight, etc.

41. Spatial resources: Natural resources that are available in certain parts of the world, that is, not available everywhere. These are called spatial resources. Such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, plants, animals (rhinos of Assam) etc.

42. Conservation of Resources and Requirement for Preservation:

By the term “Conservation of Resources” does not mean preservation of resources without any use. Resource conservation is the use of resources to the fullest extent possible without any destruction or misuse.

The main purpose of conservation of resources is to achieve human welfare and benefit for a long time by acquiring necessary resources. This is because developed countries are making excessive use of natural resources in order to gain the top spot in the world. In developing and underdeveloped countries, the use of natural resources for population explosion is increasing exponentially. In addition, renewable resources are running out and many renewable resources are in crisis. Deforestation has reduced the habitat of biodiversity and the balance of the environment. We should be frugal in our use of natural resources in an unscientific and unscrupulous manner so that our development process is not transient.

43. Rare Biological Resources: - Tigers, Elephants, Rhinos, Lions, Bears, Dolphins, Crocodiles, Turtles etc.

44. Precious and rare plants of Assam: - Aloevera, Sarpagandha, serpentine, Kalmegh, Arjuna, agar wood, chirata, jaifal, satamul, Suklati, Asparagus etc.

45. Rare endangered animals of Assam: - Golden Langur, Hoolock Gibbon (halau monkey), wild buffalo, Pigmy Hog (nal gahri), River’s Dolphin(Shishu Fish), White Wood Duck (Deo has), Hornbill, Greater Adjutant stork, wild boar, hedgehog etc.

46. ​​The main features of the resource/wealth/asset are:

a) Usability- Resources are usable and benefit people.

b) Functionality/Efficiency- Action is not possible without resources.

c) Transferability/Variability - Reource creates other resources and one resource is converted into another.

47. How to save resources:

a) Exploration of alternative resources: - Search and discovery of alternative resources of a resource through research and survey should be continued. For example, instead of coal, petroleum, etc., the source of energy is to extract solar energy, bio-energy, wind energy, hydropower, etc.

b) Recycling: - Recycling of disposable waste through recycling process such as recycling of old polybags, plastic, paper, iron and tin materials etc.

c) Innovation/Adaptation: - Organic fertilizers can be used if new methods are adopted or introduced to prevent the negative or harmful effects caused by the application of resources such as application of chemical fertilizers.

d) Reduction of waste products/Waste control: - The quantity of waste products can be reduced by limiting the production of waste products and recycling such as waste bash produced in paper mill used in cottage industry, making dolls with used old cloth etc.

e) Expansion of knowledge and education: - It is necessary to increase public awareness about the accumulation, distribution, discovery and necessity of resources.

f) Execution of Conservation related Acts:- Implementation the law of conservation in practice.

g) Proper Assessment of resource reserve: Accurate assessment of the amount of resources stored.

h) Assessment of Future requirement of Resources: Determining the future needs of resources etc.

48. International Environmental Protection Agency (IUCN):

The IUCN was established in France in 1948 at the initiative of the first British biologist, Julian Huxley, the first executive director of UNESCO. The main objective of this organization is to "study, research and take necessary measures for the conservation of natural environment and natural resources and biodiversity of the whole world", WWF and WCMC have been established under the leadership of IUCN.

49. Full Name:

a) IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature

b) WWF = World Wide Fund for Nature

c) WCMC = World Conservation Monitoring Center

50. Indian agencies or programs for conservation of natural resources and protection of environment: -

All India level Organization:

a) The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MEFCC = Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change)

b) Indian Council of Forest Research and Education (ICFRE) established in 1986

c) Science and Environment Center (CSE = Center for Science & Environment)

d) Greenpeace India

e) Wildlife Trust of India (WTI = Wildlife Trust of India)

 Organizations in Assam:

a) Assam Science Society (ASS = Assam Science Society)

b) Assam Science Technology & Environment Council (ASTEC = Assam Science Technology & Enviromental Council)

c) Aranyaka etc.

51. World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year






Q.1.What is economic geography? What are its main subject matter? Mention the important branches of economic geography?

Ans. Economic geography is the branch of geography which studies human activities related to production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources with respect to spatial and temporal aspects. The main subject matter of economic geography is the economic activity of man which includes:

(I)  production of resources

(ii) Distribution of resources 

(iii)Consumption of resources

(iv) Exchange of resources 

None of these economic activities of man can take place without resources. Therefore, the availability of resources, their development and utilisation is the principal subject matter of economic geography.

The main branches of economic geography are: 

 (i)Agricultural geography

(ii) Industrial geography

(iii) Geography of resources

(iv)Transport geography

(v) Marketing geography 

(vi) Geography of planning and development

(vii) Geography of tourism

Q.2. Write in brief about the scope of economic geography.

Ans. George Chisholm, the father of modern economic geography, has defined that the main scope and objective of economic geography is to determine the economic development trend and direction of a place. While economic geographers C.F. Jones and GG Darkenwald, have said that the subject is about man’s productive occupations or activities and deals with the finding out of answers to why certain regions are more advanced in production and export while others in import and trade. Thus it can be said that the study of economic geography deals with the relationship between man’s productive activities and environmental conditions. The scope of economic geography can be defined to lie in the follow ng five questions under two broad divisions:

[I] Traditional Economic Geography:

(i) Where is the economic activity located?

(ii) What are the characteristics of economic activity?

(iii) To what other phenomena is economic activity related?

[II] Modern Economic Geography :

(I) Why is the economic activity located where it is? 

(ii) Would it not be better located elsewhere?

The economic activity of man that comes under the scope of study of Economic can be classified into four main types:

(i) Primary occupations: Those activities by which man collects natural resources.

(ii) Secondary occupations: Those activities by which man transforms natural commodities 

(iii) Tertiary occupations: Those activities by which commodities produced by primary and secondary activities are delivered to consumers.

(iv) Quaternary occupations: Those activities by which secondary and tertiary activities are made more easy and productive.

Q.3. What do you mean by the economic activities of man? What are such economic activities? 

Ans. Economic activities or occupations of man means the various activities that man performs to earn his living to sustain his life on earth. The various economic activities/occupations of man are:

(1)Primary activities: Activities by which people collect necessary items such as food, clothing, shelter, etc. from the natural environment and use them directly are known as primary activities. e.g. agriculture, collecting of food from forests, mining, fishing, etc.

(ii) Secondary activities: Activities by which people use raw materials supplied by primary activity to transform them into a usable form with the aid of technology are known as secondary activities. e.g. trade, commerce, business, industrial production, etc.

(iii) Tertiary activities: Activities by which people supply primary or secondary goods to the users and connect producers and consumers are known as tertiary activities. e.g. transport, communication, marketing, wholesale or retail selling, tourism activity, etc. 

(iv) Quaternary activities: Activities which require some degree of skill, intelligence, foresight, expertise, etc. are known as quaternary activities. e.g. banking and financial services, publicity media, administration, education and research, etc.

Q.4. Write briefly about the subject matter of the important branches of economic geography.

Ans. The subject matter of the important branches of economic geography are: 

(i) Agricultural geography: Agricultural geography mainly studies factors associated with agricultural activity, types of agriculture, distribution, methods of agricultural activity, crop production and its associated theory, marketing, export and import of agricultural products, etc..

(ii) Industrial geography: Industrial geography studies factors associated with establishment of industry, types of industry, geographical distribution of industries, production of industrial goods, localisation of industries, marketing, export-import of industrial goods, etc.

(iii) Geography of resources: Geography of resources studies types of resources, regional distribution of resources, exploration and production of resources, relationship between resource and development, conservation and management of resources, etc. 

(iv) Transport geography: Transport geography primarily includes factors associated with the types of transport system, role of transport on resource distribution, movement and economic activities of man, economic development like industrial development, agricultural development, etc.

(v) Geography of marketing: Geography of marketing covers factors associated with establishing markets, types of distribution of markets and related theories, etc. 

(vi) Geography of planning and development: Geography of planning and development studies factors related to economic development, planning strategies, sustainable development, regional and resource-based development process, etc. 

(vii) Geography of tourism: Geography of tourism deals with factors related to tourism and types of tourism, development and planning process of tourism system, etc.

Q.5. Why is ‘resource geography’ known as an important branch of economic geography? 

Ans. The economic development of a country is closely associated with the quality and the quantity of resources available in that country and their proper utilisation. Moreover, the study of economic geography and all of its branches and sub-branches is directly related to the geography of resources. It is in this context that resource geography is considered as an important branch of economic geography.

Q.6. What is meant by ‘resource’? Mention its main characteristics. 

Ans. A source of wealth, revenue, supply or support essential for the functioning of all living organisms and ecosystems is known as a resource. In other words, things that satisfy various human needs are known as resources. It is defined as a country’s collective means of support. Natural things available in nature like air, water, sunrays, soil, plants, minerals, fish, etc found on the earth are considered as resources because they help human existence on earth in one way or the other.

According to a famous economist Zimmermann, the main characteristic/properties of a resource are :

(i) Utility: Resource should be useful to man in one way or the other. It should satisfy some of his needs required for his living. 

(ii) Functionality: Every resource has certain functionality, i.e. it should have certain specific function or usefulness. Thus, each resource has a unique usefulness of its own.


Q.7. ‘Resources are dynamic’. Explain.

Ans. One of the significant features of a resource is its dynamic aspect. Sometimes, a commodity found in nature may not be useful today, but during a later period of time, it may become a useful item and turn into a resource. Such materials are called neutral stuff. e.g. the ocean water may not be of much use today, but it is expected that this water may have substances which may be beneficial to mankind. In the same way, some of the presently useful resources may become useless when some other alternative commodities are discovered. Mineral oil is a highly useful resource today and without it, the economic development of a country cannot take place. But the discovery of an alternate source which is cheap and easily available can make this wonderful resource, a useless one in the near future. Hence, the utility of a resource is temporary and can change with time.

The commodities that are harmful to man are called resistance, e.g. the floodwater of Damodar river caused a great deal of harm and damage to human life and property. But when this floodwater was controlled by suitable check dams, the water became a highly useful resource which enhanced human habitation and agriculture. Thus, resistance can become a resource.

   Therefore, in this context we can say that resources are dynamic.

Q.8. Briefly discuss the necessities of resources with examples. 

Ans. Resources help man in numerous ways. Following are some of the necessities of resources:

(I) Improve living condition: The availability of resources not only fulfils the primary needs of man, i.e. food, clothing and shelter but also satisfies many other requirements. This improves the overall living condition or standard of living of man. e g agricultural products like rice, wheat, etc, serves man with his food as well as help him in earning his livelihood

(ii) Socio-economic development: No country can ever progress without adequate resources. Industry, agriculture, commerce, trade, etc. require resources such as minerals, agricultural crops, forest products, human resources, etc. Hence, the socio-economic development of a country is greatly dependent on the availability of resources 

(iii) Human welfare: The progress of human society is directly associated with resources and their proper utilisation. Resources satisfy the various needs of man required for his living

Q.9. Write in brief about the relationship between resource and man. 

Ans. There is a close relationship between resource and man. One cannot survive or develop without the other. Man is associated with resource in two different ways:

(I) As a producer of resources: Man is the ultimate producer of resources. Although many of the resources useful to man are provided by nature, most of them are found in their raw form or not in a useful state. Such resources are transformed by man according to his requirement into more consumable forms. Mineral resources, forest resources, water resources, agricultural resources, etc. cannot be developed without the active support of man. Hence, man is the prime mover of all resources. e.g. resources produced by man include technology, houses, roads, industries, schools, offices, vehicles, etc.

(ii) As a consumer of resources: Man is a consumer of resources. Man consumes or uses. various food crops, cloth, mineral oils and various other man-made commodities. Man cannot live a normal life on earth without the use of essential resources like water, air,

food, cloth, shelter, etc. Hence, resources constitute an essential element for supporting life on earth.

Besides, man is considered as a resource himself. How the natural resources or man-made resources are used or developed by man depends on man himself. Human knowledge and its extent are responsible for the level of development of resources. Even the dynamic nature of a resource is dependent on human demand and development of new technology by man.

Q.10. Briefly discuss about the relationship between resource and science-technology. 

Ans. Resource and science-technology are closely associated with each other. The interrelationship between the two can be understood from the following points: 

(i) Discovery of resources: Science has enabled man to discover almost all the resources. Many of the mineral resources that we use today may have remained buried deep within the earth, had they not been extracted by using modern scientific technology.

(ii) Transformation of neutral stuff: Due to the development of science and technology, many of the neutral stuff and resistance found on the earth are getting transformed into resource, through the application of human skills and efforts.

(iii) Better utilisation of resources: Science and technology has facilitated better utilisation of existing resources. New uses of many of the existing resources are discovered by scientists and researchers, thereby making the existing resources more useful and beneficial to man.

Q.11. Write about classification of resources with examples.



The classification of resources can be explained on the basis of: 

[A] Origin

(i) Natural resources: The resources which after natural formation remain distributed on earth are called natural resources. e.g. water, air, sunlight, land, minerals, soil, plants, animals, rivers, etc.

(ii) Man-made resources: The various commodities produced from natural resources using modern science and technology by man are called man-made resources. e.g. paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, synthetic cloth, synthetic rubber, medicines, fertilizers, etc.

(iii) Human resources: The population of a country which is capable of making use of the resources efficiently and productively are known as human resources.  The most important resource of a country is its human resource. 

[B] Physical structure or composition: 

(i) Biotic resources: The resources which have life are called biotic resources. e.g. plants, animals, fishes, crops, etc.

(ii) Abiode resources: The resources which do not have life are called abiotic resources, e.g. soil, rock, water, air, minerals, sand, etc. 

[C] Availability or renewability or durability :

(i) Renewable resources: The resources which do not get depleted on use and can be used again and again through the process of regeneration are called renewable resources. e.g. sunshine, water, soil, etc. 

(ii) Non-renewable resources: The resources which get depleted on use and cannot be regenerated after use are called non-renewable resources. e.g. coal, mineral oil, natural gas, etc.

[D] Ownership

(i) Individual or personal resources: The things in possession of a person or an individual are called individual resources. e.g. land, household items, personal attributes such as good character, education, various skills, etc. 

(ii) National resources: The resources under the responsibility or possession of a country are called national resources. e.g. transport network, land, rivers, minerals, animals of the forests, agricultural crops, various manufactured goods, people etc.

(iii) International resources: The national resources belonging to different countries which are under the possession of the whole world are called international resources. e.g. oceans, seas, atmosphere, forests, etc.

[E] Distribution:

(i) Ubiquitous resources: The resources that are found all over the world are called ubiquitous resources. e.g. sunshine, heat, air, space, sky, etc. 

(ii) Localised resources: The resources which are found only in certain parts of the world are known as localised resources. e.g. minerals such as iron ore, petroleum, uranium, coal, etc

Q.12. What is meant by natural resources? Write briefly with examples. 

Ans. Natural resources are those resources which after natural formation remain distributed on the earth. These can be in solid, liquid or gaseous states, and in metallic or non-metallic form. Many natural resources are used as they are available, while others are used as raw materials for different industries. Examples of natural resources are air, water, sunlight, land, minerals, natural gas, plants, animals, rivers, oceans, etc.

Q.13.what is man made resources. Write briefly about its use with example.

Ans. Man made resources are those resources which are made from natural resources with the application of human effort. The resources are made by man by converting natural resources into more usable commodities by modern science and technology. Examples of such resources are making paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, food items, medicines, wooden furniture and houses from plants, metals from ores, etc.

Q.14. What are the differences between renewable and non-renewable resources? briefly with examples.

Ans. The differences between renewable and non-renewable resources are:

Sl no

Basis of difference

Renewable resource

Non-renewable resource



Resources which can be regenerated or renewed after use.

Resources which cannot be regenerated or renewed after use.



Do not get exhausted after use or can be regenerated.

Gradually get exhausted and cannot be regenerated



Air, sunshine, water, crops,etc.

Coal, oil, natural gas, various types of minerals, etc.

Q.15. What is meant by ‘conservation of resources’? What is its necessity?

Ans. Conservation of resources is the process of preservation and judicious use of resources achieve maximum utility, avoid wasteful consumption and misuse. Following are the reasons leading to the necessity of conservation of resources:

(I) Limited resources: Resources provided by nature are unevenly distributed and their supply is also limited. There is not a single country which has all the resources. This calls for conservation and proper utilisation of resources that a country has. Many of the resources that man uses today are non-renewable or exhaustible resources. Hence, a planned use of the limited resources is required so that they last for a long time.

(ii) Rising population: With the rapid expansion of population, the demand for various resources are also rising. Increased population is depleting the existing resources rapidly. Although the countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, England, etc. are not thickly populated, the use of natural resources is very high in these countries due to their economic advancement. Even in the developing countries like India and China, the extent of use of the mineral resources such as coal, oil, natural gas, copper, iron, bauxite, etc, is quite high. All these call for planning and conservation of resources.

(iii) Protection of endangered species: As a result of improper use of various resources and environmental pollution, many species of plants and animals are becoming endangered and extinct. The total population of animals like tiger, elephant, lion, rhino, etc. is decreasing rapidly due to environmental degradation and destruction of their habitat. Many of the valuable plant species of Assam such as Sarpagandha, Chalmugra, Kalmegh, Arjun, etc. are on the verge of becoming extinct. Similarly, animals such as golden langur, hoolock gibbon, wild buffalo, etc. are also becoming endangered species. The destruction of such biotic resources can bring about certain negative impacts on the biosphere. Therefore, there is an urgent need to conserve all the living and non-living resources of the earth in a judicious manner.

(iv) Avoid pollution: The extraction and processing of resources often lead to environmental pollution. The use of chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides, vehicles, etc. and the increased use of mineral resources such as oil, coal, natural gas, etc. causes a great deal of environmental pollution, which in turn leads to health hazards. Therefore, there has to be a planned use of resources minimising their harmful effects.

Q.16. Write in brief about the methods of resource conservation.

Ans. The various methods of resource conservation are:

(i) Discovery of alternative resources: One of the ways to avoid the overuse of resources is to find out the alternate resources having similar qualities or features. This requires extensive study and research. c.g. use of synthetic fibre in place of cotton, electric pewer in place of petrol or diesel in vehicles, etc. Moreover, solar energy, hydroelectricity. biogas, etc. should be used instead of coal, oil, minerals, etc. to reduce the overuse of non-renewable resources.

(ii) Recycling: The use of raw-materials can be reduced by reusing the usable disposed garbages through the process of recycling, e.g. recycling of used water or paper, etc. 

(iii) Innovation: With the help of necessary study and research, many innovative methods can be applied to make better and effective use of available resources. This helps in reducing the misuse of raw materials and enhances resource production. e.g. chemical fertilisers can be replaced by organic fertilisers. 

(iv) Waste control: If the wastes are properly collected and scientifically treated, a lot of new products can be obtained. e.g the waste water from factories and city drains can be treated and converted into clean water again by using certain scientific methods.

(v) Spread of knowledge regarding conservation: A great deal of conservation can take place if the public is made aware of the need for conserving the vital resources of a country through public awareness campaigns, seminars, public involved management of resources, etc.

(vi) Enforcement of conservation related acts: For the proper conservation of resources, there should be proper laws to ban their misuse. The government must make sure that the acts are strictly implemented and stringent actions are taken against those who break such laws. 

(vii) Proper assessment of resource reserve: Proper assessment of resources is essential for the development of any nation. Once the authorities know the extent of availability of the resources, they can stringently plan the use of such available resources. 

(viii) Assessment of future resource requirement: It is not only important to calculate the extent of the availability of the resources, but it is equally important to estimate the future requirement of such resources, so that a proper planned use of resources can be undertaken.

Q.17. Write in brief about the organizations associated with resource conservation and their role.

Ans. Rapid increase of population, overuse of existing resources, growing environmental problems caused by unscientific use of resources, etc. have resulted in the depletion of many vital resources of the world. Without an adequate amount of resources, life on earth will become difficult and no country can progress or develop. Therefore, many international organisations have been established to take steps to conserve existing resources and to reduce environmental pollution caused by the use of resources. In this context, the following organisations deserve a special mention:

(I) IUCN: IUCN stands for International Union for Conservation of Nature. It was formed in 1948 and has played a commendable role in preserving and conserving the existing resources of the world. It was founded by the British Biologist, Julian Huxley, the founder Director General of UNESCO. The main aim of this organisation is to carry out study and research on conservation of global natural environment and natural resources including biodiversity and initiate suitable measures. It works under the direction of UNO. JUCN established two international organisations, viz. WWF for Nature (World Wide Fund for Nature) and World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

(ii) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change: In India, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has been established to coordinate the conservation of natural resources. It is responsible for the laws related to environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. As part of this ministry, an autonomous institution named Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education was established in 1986.

(iii) Non-governmental agencies: Non-governmental agencies like Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Greenpeace India, Wildlife Trust of India, etc. work for protection of the environment in India. In Assam, non-governmental agencies like Assam Science Society, Aaranyak, etc. have taken up the cause of environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, etc.


Q.18. Write short notes: 

(A). Resource.

Ans. A source of wealth, revenue, supply or support essential for the functioning of all living organisms and ecosystems are known as a resource. In other words, things that satisfy various human needs are known as resources. It is defined as a country’s collective means of support Natural things available in nature like air, water, sunrays, soil, plants, minerals, fish, etc. found on the earth are considered as resources because they help human existence on earth in one way or the other.

According to a famous economist Zimmermann, the main characteristic/properties of a resource

(I)  Utility: Resource should be useful to man in one way or the other. It should satisfy some of his needs required for his living. 00 

(ii)Functionality: Every resource has certain functionality, ie, it should have certain specific function or usefulness. Thus, each resource has a unique usefulness of its own.

(B)Human resource.

Ans. Human resource means the population of a country made valuable through education, training and experience or in other words made capable of making use of other resources efficiently. Human resources constitute the most important resource of a nation. Most of the countries of Europe and America are developed mainly due to the development of their human resources. The human resources in these countries are developed because of better education and training, Man is the prime mover of resources. Without him no resource can develop. Despite scarcity of natural resources and raw-materials required for industries, countries like Japan, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, South Kores, etc. have made great progress in every aspect of economic activity, mainly because of human resource development.

(C) Wealth.

Ans. All economic goods which can satisfy human wants and have value-in-exchange are called wealth. Some of the features of wealth are a

(i) Wealth possesses the features of utility as it has the power to satisfy human wants.

(ii) The supply of wealth is limited.

(iii) Wealth can be transferred from one individual to another through money or value.

All kinds of wealth can be regarded as a resource but all resources may not be regarded as wealth. eg. Wealth like land, buildings, machinery, etc. which have market value, can be regarded as resources but resources like air, water, soil, education, social institutions, public health, etc. are not wealth because some of these are found in abundance, and others cannot be exchanged and do not have market value.

Again, the use of resources bring about human welfare, but wealth may have both useful or harmful effects, eg substances like poison, chemical insecticides, alcohol, etc. are considered as wealth because they can be sold for money, but the use of such substances is highly dangerous to man, so such materials cannot be termed as resources.

(D) Renewable resource.

Ans. Renewable resources: The resources which do not get depleted on use and can be used again and again through the process of regeneration are called renewable resources. e.g. sunshine, water, soil, etc.

(E) Personal resource.

Ans.Individual or personal resources: The things in possession of a person or an individual are called individual resources, e.g. land, household itens personal attributes such as good character, education, various skills, etc.

(F) National resource.

Ans. National resources: The resources under the responsibility or possession of a country are called national resources. e.g. transport network, land, rivers, mineral animals of the forests, agricultural crops, various manufactured goods, people

(G) Biotic resource.

Ans.Biotic resources: The resources which have life are called biotic resources e.g. plants, animals, fishes, crops, etc.

(H) Resource conservation.

Ans. The planning and management of natural resources so as to secure their wise use and continuity of supply, while maintaining and enhancing their quality, value and diversity is known as resource conservation. The main objective of the concept of resource conservation is the collection and utilisation of necessary resources from the nature in such a way so that benefit can be derived from them for a long time. Many of the mineral, animal and plant resources are depleting at a very fast rate. Since many of these resources cannot be created or increased, there is an urgent need to conserve them in the best possible way. We can conserve the existing resources by discovering alternative resources, recycling, innovation, waste control, enforcement of conservation related acts, etc.

(I) Resource recycling. 

Ans. Recycling: The use of raw-materials can be reduced by reusing the usable disposed garbages through the process of recycling, e.g. recycling of used water or paper, etc.

Q.19. Write the differences between :

(a) Resource and wealth.

Ans. The differences between resource and wealth are:

(b) Economic geography and resource geography. 

Ans. The differences between economic geography and resource geography are:


Basis of difference

Economic geography

Resource geography


The branch of human geography in which the study of human activities related to production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources is done with respect to space and time.

The study which deals with the production, distribution and consumption of resources.



It has a wider scope than resource geography as it includes agricultural geography, industrial geography, transport geography, marketing geography, resource geography and geography of tourism.

It is relatively narrower than economic geography as it is only a part of economic geography.

(C) Resource and neutral stult.

Ans. The differences between resource and neutral stuff are:

SL No.

Basis of difference


Neutral stuff



A source of wealth, revenue. supply or support essential for the functioning of all living organisms and ecosystems.

The materials found on the earth which are neither useful nor harmful to man.



Resources are useful in the present day.

Neutral stuff may be of use as a resource in the future..



Air, water, soil, plants, minerals, etc

Ocean water

(d) Biotic and abiotic resource. 

Ans. The differences between biotic resource and abiotic resource are :

SL. No.

Basis of difference

Biotic resource

Abiotic resource



The resources of nature which have life.

The resources of nature which do not have life



Plants, animals, man, fish, crops, etc.

Stone, sand, soil, minerals, etc.

(e) Renewable and non-renewable resource.


Sl no

Basis of difference

Renewable resource

Non-renewable resource



Resources which can be regenerated or renewed after use.

Resources which cannot be regenerated or renewed after use.



Do not get exhausted after use or can be regenerated.

Gradually get exhausted and cannot be regenerated



Air, sunshine, water, crops,etc.

Coal, oil, natural gas, various types of minerals, etc.

(f) Personal resource and national resource

Ans. The differences between personal resource and national resource are:

SI. No.

Basis of difference

Personal resource

National resource 



The things under possession ofa person or an individual

The resource under the responsibility or possession of a country.



Land, household properties, personal attributes like good character, education, ornaments, money and knowledge, working skill, etc.

Plants, animals, forests, transport networks, land, rivers, buildings, educational institutions, administrative systems, etc.

(g) Man-made resource and human resource. 

Ans. The differences between man-made resource and

sl No.

Basis of difference

Man made resources

Human resources



The resources which have been formed by human effort as a result of the application of science, technology, skill of man, etc.

The people of a country capable of making use of other resources efficiently and productively.



Paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, different types of paints, fertilisers, soap, plastic, etc.

Man himself is a human resource.

(h) Recycling of resources and innovation of resources. 

Ans. The differences between recycling of resource and innovation of resource are:

SI. No

Basis of difference

Recycling of resource

Innovation of resource



The process by which wastes of natural and man-made resources are broken down and then reconstituted into useful materials.

The process by which resources are produced as a result of extensive research and a lot of field study leading to the conversion of natural resources into highly useful items.



Used water, factory wastes, scrap, worn out tyres, waste paper, etc.

The use of rain harvesting method to store water for various domestic purposes is a type of innovation.

Q.20 Choose the correct answer :

(a) Which of the following is a man-made resource?

(1) Rivers   (2) Mineral oil     (3) Irrigation canal       (4) Forest

Ans. (3) Irrigation canal

(b) Which one of the following is abiotic resource?

(1) Air         (2) Plants   (3) Animals          (4) Fungus

Ans. (1) Air

(c) Which one of the following is non-renewable resource?

(1) Air         (2) Water   (3) Crops    (4) Coal

Ans. (4) Coal

(d) Which one of the following animals is about to be extinct?

(1) One-horned rhino  (2) Pigmy hog     (3) Giraffe  (4)Gayal (Mithun)

Ans. (2) Pigmy hog

(e) The organisation IUCN is under which of the following organisations? 

(1) UNESCO         (2) UNDP   (3) WWF    (4) UNEP

Ans. (1) UNESCO




Q.1. Which one of the following is non-renewable resource? [HSLC ’14]

(a) Water (b) Sunshine (c) Plants (d) Natural gas

Ans:- (d) Natural gas

Q.2. Which one of the following resources is a non-renewable resource? [HSLC ’16]

(a) Crops (b) Man (c) Iron (d) Sunlight

Ans:- (c) Iron

Q.3. Which of the following is man-made resource?

(a) Rivers (b) Mineral Oil (c) Irrigation Canal (d) Forest

Ans:-(c) Irrigation Canal

Q.4. Which one of the following is abiotic resource?

(a) Air (b) Plants (c) Animals (d) Fungus

Ans:-(a) Air

Q.5.Which one of the following is non-renewable resource?

(a)Air (b) Water (c) Crops (d)Coal


Q.6. Which one of the following animals is about to be extinct?

(a) One-horned Rhino (b)Pygmi Hog (c) Giraffe (d)Gayal (Mithun)

Ans:-(b)Pygmi Hog

Q.7.The organization IUCN is under which of the following organizations?

(a) UNESCO (b) UNDP (c) WWF (d) UNEP

Ans:-(a) UNESCO

Q.8. The father of modern economic geography is-

(a) George Chisholm (b) C.F Jones (c) G.G Derkenwald (d) Zimmermann

Ans:-(a) George Chisholm

Q.9. Kazirangà National Park is a-

(a) Individual Resource (b) National resource (c) International resource (d) None of these.

Ans:-(b) National resource

Q.10. What is the full form of IUCN?

Ans:- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Q.11. When was IUCN formed?

Ans. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was formed in the year1948.

Q.12. Name the person behind the formation of IUCN?

Ans. The British Biologist Julian Huxley is the person behind the formation of IUCN.

Q.13. Who was the founder Director General of UNESCO?

Ans. The British Biologist Julian Huxley was the founder Director General of UNESCO

Q.14. When is the World Environment Day celebrated?

Ans. The World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year.

Q.15. Under which organization is IUCN?

Ans. The organization International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is under United Nations Organization.

Q.16. Give one example of Non-Renewable Resources.

Ans. Petroleum.

Q.17. Give one example of Renewable Resources.

Ans. Sunlight.


Q.1. Who is the father of Economic Geography?

Answer: George Chisholm.


Q.2. What do you understand by ubiquitous resources?

Answer: The natural resources that are found everywhere in the world are called the ubiquitous resources.

A) Resources found in abundance.

B) Can be used when required without considering their quantity in nature

C) Examples: Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Soil, Vegetation, Air etc.

Q.3. What is localised resource?

Answer: Natural resources that are available in certain places are localised resource.

Q.4. What is economic geography?

Answer: The branch of geography which studies human activities related to production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources with respect to spatial and temporal aspects is called economic geography.

Q.5. What are primary activities?

Answer: Activities by which people collect necessary items such as food, clothing, shelter, etc. from the natural environment and use them directly are called primary activities.

Q.6. What are secondary activities?

Answer: Activities by which people use raw materials supplied by the primary occupation and produce new goods or add value to the natural goods are called secondary activities.

Q.7. What tertiary activities?

Answer: Activities which help in supplying the primary or secondary goods to the users and connect producers and consumers are called tertiary activities.

Q.8. What are quaternary activities?

Answer: Activities which requires some degree of skill, intelligence, foresight, expertise, etc. are called quaternary activities.

Q.9. What is resource in economic geography?

Answer: A source of wealth, revenue, supply or support essential for the functioning of all living organisms and ecosystem is called resource.

Q.10. What are natural resources?

Answer: The resources which after natural formation remain distributed on earth are called natural resources.

Q.11. What are man-made resources?

Answer: The various commodities produced from natural resources using modern science and technology by man are called man-made resources.

Q.12. What is human resource?

Answer: The population of a country which is capable of making use of the resources efficiently and productively is called human resource.

Q.13. What are biotic resources?

Answer: Resources that have life, e.g. fish, crops, Birds, Animals, Forest etc. are called biotic resources. (Living things)

Q.14. What are abiotic resources?

Answer: Resources that do not have life, e. g. soil, water, stones, etc. are called abiotic resources. (Non-Living things)

Q.15. What are renewable resources?

Answer: Resources which do not get depleted on use and can be used again and again through the process of regeneration are called renewable resources.

Q.16. What are non-renewable resources?

Answer: resources which get depleted on use and cannot be regenerated after use are called non-renewable resources. 

Q.17. What are individual resources?

Answer: The things in possession of a person or an individual are called individual resources.

Q.18. What are national resources?

Answer: Resources under the responsibility or possession of a country are called national resources.

Q.19. What are international resources?

Answer: National resources belonging to different countries which are under the possession of the whole world are called international resources.

Q. 20. What do you understand by conservation of resources?

Answer: The process of preservation and judicious use of resources to achieve maximum utility, avoid wasteful consumption and misuse is called conservation of resources.

Q. 21. What do you understand by wealth?

Answer: All economic goods which can satisfy human wants and have value –in-exchange are known as wealth.

Q. 22. What is neutral stuff?

Answer: Materials found on earth that are in no way useful or harmful to man are known as neutral stuff.

Q. 23. What is economic geography? What is its main subject matter? Mention the important branches of economic geography? (HSLC 2017)

Answer: The branch of geography that studies the activity, space and time of people involved in the production, distribution, consumption, and exchange of resources is called Economic Geography.

The principal subject matter of economic geography is the availability of resources, their development and utilization. The main branches of economic geography are:

1. Agricultural geography                 

2. Industrial geography    

3. Geography of resources                

4. .Transport geography

5. Marketing geography                    

6.Geography of planning and development

7. Geography of Tourism. 

Q. 24. What is meant by resource? Mention its main characteristics.  (HSLC 2018)

Answer: All kinds of things that can satisfy various human needs are called resources. For example, the air, water, plants, soil, minerals, and sun heat found on earth are all resources. The three characteristics of resource are:
1. Utility - If an object is a resource, it needs to be useful to man. It should satisfy some of his needs required for his living.

2. Functionality: It should have certain specific function or usefulness. Thus, each resource has a unique usefulness of its own.

3. Variability - The resource is variable. Today an object may not be used by humans, but in the future, the same material or object may be used for the welfare of human beings.

Q.25. Briefly discuss about the relationship between resource and man.  (HSLC 2019)

Answer: Resource is the thing that can meet the needs of a person's daily life. Almost all the materials available on earth such as water, air, soil, plants, sunlight etc. are resources. People fulfil basic needs through these objects found on earth. People change the shape or size of the resource according to their own needs. With the increase of knowledge, people are creating new resources from natural resources. For example - people have made their own resources from the things found in nature, such as houses, roads, factories, vehicles. That is, there is a need for resource and the things or resources available in nature are the basis of man-made resources. 


Q.26. Briefly discuss about the relationship between resource and science-technology. (HSLC 2019)

Answer: There is a close connection between resource and science-technology. With the advancement of science and technology, many inactive substances or objects have become valuable resources. For example, coal or mineral oil were not considered a resource at one time because people did not know how to use them. But with the advancement of science and technology, humans have been able to convert coal and mineral oil into energy. As a result, they have become valuable resources. Similarly, the Damodar river in West Bengal was once considered a serious problem. But with the help of science and technology, when electricity is started to be built along the dam, it has become a valuable resource. So, it can be seen that there is a significant relationship between science and technology

Q.27. Write in brief about the scope of economic geography.

Answer: Economic geography mainly deals with the distribution of human economic activity and the factors and processes involved in it. The scope of this study is mainly based on the following specific questions:

1. Where is the economic activity located?

2. What are the characteristics of economic activity?

3. To what other phenomena is the economic activity related?

4. Why is the economic activity located where it is?

5. Would it not be better located elsewhere?

The first three questions mentioned above involve traditional economic geography. But the next two questions form the basis of modern economic geography. According to George Chisholm, the father of modern economic geography, the main purpose of economic geography is to determine the pace and direction of economic development of a place. According to the other two economic geographers C. F. Jones and G. G. Darkenwald, economic geography is associated with productive profession or activity. Also, why some particular regions move forward in production and some other areas move into the trade. That is, economic geography studies these relationships primarily with human productive functions and ecological conditions.

Q.28. What do you mean by economic activities of man? What are such economic activities?

Answer: Economic activity is the means of collecting the money needed to earn a living by linking people's productive activities with the environmental situation. Human economic activity is divided into four main categories:

1. Primary activities - The activities by which people extract resources from nature are called primary activity. Examples include farming, forestry collection, mineral resource collection, fishing, etc.

2. Secondary activities - The activities by which people make use of various products derived from nature through the use of various technologies. Examples include construction work and industrial production

3. Tertiary activities - Tertiary activities are the activities by which the goods produced in the primary and secondary activities are supplied to the consumers. For example, the economic activities associated with transportation, tourism, market, wholesale and retail sale, etc.

4. Quaternary activities - The activities by which the second and third activities are made more active and more productive. Such activities require some degree of skill, intelligence, foresight, expertise, etc. For example, activities involving banks or other financial institutions, media, administration, education, and research, etc.

Q.29. Write briefly about the subject matter of the important branches of economic geography.

Answer: The branch of geography in which the activities of people involved in the production, distribution, consumption, and exchange of resource is studied in terms of space and time is called 'economic geography'.

The subject matter of the different branches of economic geography is briefly discussed below:

1. Agricultural Geography - The factors involved in farming, the type of agriculture, distribution and method of agricultural work, production of crops and its associated sources, market, import and export of agricultural commodities - are studied in agricultural geography.

2. Industrial Geography - The factors involved in the setting up of the industrial geography, the type and geographical distribution of the industries, production of the industrial goods, the sources involved in it, the market and import-export of the industrial goods are studied in the industrial geography.

3. Geography of Resources - The types of resource, regional distribution, factors related to resource exploration and production, relationships between resources and development, conservation and management of resources, etc. are studied In the geography of resource.

4. Transport Geography  - The type of transportation system and its associated factors, the role of transport in the distribution of resources, in human and economic activity, its role in agricultural and economic development are studied in transport geography.

5. Geography of Marketing - The requirement of market setting and its factors, market type, distribution of market and its associated sources are studied in the market geography. 

6. Geography of Planning and Development - The factors involved in economic development, planning strategies, sustainable development, regional and material based development processes are studied in the geography of planning and development.

7. Geography of Tourism - Tourism and the factors involved in its development, type of tourism, development process and planning of tourism are studied in the geography of tourism.

Q.30. Why is 'Resource Geography' known as an important branch of economic geography?

Answer: Resource geography is called an important branch of economic geography because resource generally refers to all objects freely available in nature. But free resources of nature become economic resources only when people develop these objects as their own needs. All the things found on earth are necessary for human beings. Because these objects meet the basic needs of the people. Without the resource of nature, man cannot create anything. That is, the resource of nature is the source of human economic resource. That is why resource geography is considered an important branch of economic geography
Q.31. 'Resource is dynamic'. Explain. 

Answer: All the material found on earth is known as a resource. Although there must be three characteristics to be a resource. Such as - utility, functionality, and variability. The variability is also one of the three characteristics. That is, a resource can take different forms at different times or people can change different forms at different times depending on their own needs. For example, when humans were not aware of the use of coal or mineral oil in the production of energy, these materials were not considered to be resources. But with the development of technology, people are using coal, mineral oil or other natural materials in different forms to suit their needs. That is, their forms have changed into resources. That is why resource is dynamic.



Q.1 Economic geography belongs to which part of geography?

Answer: - Economic geography is one of the branches of human geography.

Q.2. How resources created one by one?

Answer: - Resources is created as a result of the use of nature, people, values, society-culture and science-technology.

Q.3. According to Zimmarmann, in order to be an asset, what are two qualities must an object have?

Answer: - According to Zimmarmann, in order to be an asset, an object must have two qualities, that are functionality and Usability.

Q.4. How are people involved with resources?

Answer: - People are involved with wealth in two ways - production of wealth and consumption of wealth.

Q.5. What is man-made resources?

Ans: - Man-made resources such as houses, roads, enterprises, schools etc. are called man-made resources.

Q.6. Why are people called human resources?

Answer: - Man is called human resource as the producer of wealth. Resource is meaningless without man.

Q.7. Give examples of rare biological resources.

Ans: - Rare Biological Resources: - Tiger, Elephant, Rhinoceros, Lion, Bear, Dolphin, Crocodile, Turtle etc.

Q.8. Give examples of valuable rare plant resources of Assam.

Ans: - Precious rare plants of Assam: - Aloevera, Sarpagandha, kalmegh, arjuna, agaru, chirata, nutmeg, asparagus etc.

Q.9. Give an example of Assam's rare and endangered animal resources.

Ans: - Rare endangered animals of Assam: - Golden Langur, Hoolock Gibbon (halau monkey), wild buffalo, Pigmy Hog (nal gahri), River’s Dolphin(Shishu Fish), White Wood Duck (Deo has), Hornbill, Greater Adjutant stork, wild boar, hedgehog etc.

Q. 10. Write full name of the followings. [IUCN, WWF, WCMC]

Answer: -

a) IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature

b) WWF = World Wide Fund for Nature

c) WCMC = World Conservation Monitoring Center

Q.11 When is World Environment Day celebrated?

Answer: -World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year


Q.1. What are the main parts of geography name them?

Ans: - There are 2 main parts of geography: -

a) Natural geography and     b) Human geography

Q.2. Write the definition of economic geography.

Ans: - Definition of economic geography:

The branch of geography that studies the production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources and the activities of the people involved in them, subject to space prematurity, is called economic geography.

Q.3.  Write the meaning or definition of Resources.

Ans: - Meaning or definition of resource:

All the things necessary for human life which have the function and usefulness qualities like air, water, fruits, house etc. are all called resources.

Q.4. What do you mean by neutral or inactive materials?

Ans: - Neutral or inactive materials: Ingredients that do no good or harm to human beings are called neutral materials such as mineral oil in the soil.

Q.5. What do you mean by resistant material?

Ans: - The materials which cause harm to human beings are called resistant materials such as barren soil, flood prone areas, polluted water etc.

Q.6. What is the difference between wealth and content?

Ans: - Difference between resource and material:

 All resources are materials but may not a material be resource.

Q.7. What do you mean by natural resources?

Ans: - Natural resources that are created in a natural way and spread in nature are called natural resources such as plants, animals, air, water, sunlight, minerals etc.

Q.8. What do you mean by man-made resources?

Ans: - From natural resources, people use their knowledge, intellect and technology to make materials suitable for their own use. Those materials are called man-made resources such as paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, soap, dyes, oil, food. , Medicine, wood, ornaments etc.

Q.9. What do you mean by human resources?

Ans: - In fact man is the creator of wealth for his own knowledge, intellect, efficiency, education, technology and interest etc. People call human resources as human resources. Countries like Korea have become one of the leading and prosperous countries in the world.

Q. 10. What is Biotic resource?

Ans: - Biotic resources are called biological resources such as plants, animals, fish, grains, animals, insects etc.

Q. 11. What is Abiotic resources?

Ans: - Inanimate resources are called Abiotic resources such as soil, rock, air, water, mountains, coal, petroleum etc.

Q.12. Why are coal, mineral oil, and natural gas considered inorganic resources?

Ans: - Coal, mineral oil, natural gas are basically biological resources. As they are lifeless in the present situation, they are considered as inorganic resources.

Q.13. What do you mean by renewable resources?

Ans: - Resources that can be used repeatedly and can never be depleted are called renewable resources such as air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, people, etc.

Q.14. What do you mean by non-renewable resources?

Ans: - Assets which cannot be reused or recreated once used, and depleted, those resources are called non-renewable resources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, copper, gold, silver, iron, limestone, etc.

Q.15. What do you mean by personal resources?

Ans: - The resources owned by the people is called personal resources such as good character, education, efficiency, strategy, intellect, own house-house-land etc.

Q.16. What do you mean by national resources?

Ans: - All the resources under the supervision or possession of a country are called national resources such as roads, rivers, land, bridges, government, sanctuaries, forests, schools, communication system etc.

Q.17. What do you mean by international resources?

Ans: - All the resources belonging to the whole world including all the countries are called international resources such as sea-ocean, atmosphere, biosphere, continents, space etc.

Q.18. What do you mean by Ubiquitous resources?

Ans: - Everlasting Natural resources which are available all over the world are called everlasting resources such as air, water, sunlight etc.

Q.19. What do you mean by localized/spatial resources?

Ans: - Natural resources which are available in some special places of the world i.e. not available everywhere are called spatial resources. Such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, plants, animals (rhinos of Assam) etc.



Q.1. Specify the subject matter of economic geography.

Answer: - The subject matter of economic geography is: -

a) Abundance, distribution and quality of natural resources,

b) the human environment caused by the variation of the natural environment,

c) human lifestyles and activities caused by differences in natural and man-made environmental elements, and

d) Human activity involved with resources

[(If "Discuss" is the question, write it like this)]

The abundance, distribution and quality of natural resources are discussed in economic geography. How the human environment is created as a result of the differences in the natural environment on the surface of the earth is discussed. The way of life and activity of people created due to the differences between the elements of natural and man-made environment, and the activity of people involved in resources are the subject of economic geography. According to Jones Darkenwald, economic geography is particularly involved in the study of productive scholarship or activity. That is, economic geography basically studies the productive functions of human beings and their relationship with environmental conditions.

Q.2. Mention the main branches of economic geography.

Ans: - The main branches of economic geography are: -

a) Agricultural geography

b) Industrial geography

c) Geography of resources

d) Transportation geography

e) Market geography

f) Geography of planning and development

g) Tourism geography etc.

In all these branches the distribution of human economic activity and the factors and processes associated with it are studied.

Q.3. Mention / discuss the scope of economic geography.

Ans: - The scope of economic geography is: -

 The range of economic geography is basically related to five things-

a) The place where economic activity takes place.

b) Characteristics of economic function.

c) Ancillary matters related to the economic function.

d) The cause of the place where the economic work took place and

e) The consequences if that economic activity takes place elsewhere.

According to George Chishalm, the main purpose of economic geography is to determine the speed and direction of economic development of a place. According to Jones Darkenwand, economic geography is particularly involved in the study of productive scholarship or activity. That is, economic geography basically studies the productive functions of human beings and their relationship with environmental conditions.

Q.4. Mention the types of economic activities or work of the people.

Answer: - The types of economic scholarship or work of the people are / discuss.

a) Primary Occupation or First level or primary work: The work by which man directly acquires resources from nature. Such as agriculture, extraction of mineral and forest resources.

b) Secondary Occupation or Second level or secondary work: The work by which man makes the resources extracted from nature suitable for human use through various technologies. Such as- industrial production, construction and reconstruction process etc.

c) Tertiary Occupation or Third level or higher work: The work through which the first and second level products are delivered to the consumer. Such as- travel, transportation, market, communication etc.

d) Quaternary Occupation or Fourth level optional work: The work that makes the Second level and Third level activities more efficient and effective. Such as- bank, media administration, education, research etc.

Q.5. What are the methods of studying economic geography?

Ans: - Method of studying economic geography:

a) Regional approach,

b) Topical or Commodity approach

c) Behavioral approach

d) Principles or Policy-rules approach

e) System analysis approach

f) Institutional approach etc.

Q.6. Mention / discuss / describe the importance of studying economic geography.

Answer: - The importance of studying economic geography is: -

a) Gaining knowledge about the dependence of different economic activities on the natural environment.

b) To gain knowledge of the abundance, distribution and quality of resources.

c) Determination of human scholarship and standard of living.

d) Planning for well-integrated and sustainable development by discussing economic activities.

e) The study of economic geography is important in every aspect of human resource development mentioned in industrial enterprises, adoption of policy guidelines for building infrastructure.

Q.7. Mention / discuss the subject matter of agricultural geography.

Ans: - subject matter of Agricultural Geography:

a) Study of factors involved in agricultural work,

b) Study of types of agriculture,

c) Study of distribution and method of agricultural work,

d) Study of grain production and related formulas,

e) Market study of agricultural commodities,

f) To study import-export etc.

Q.8. Mention / discuss the subject matter of Industrial/artistic geography.

Ans: - Content of artistic geography:

a) To study the economic and other factors involved in setting up the industry.

b) To study the type and distribution of industry.

c) To study the production and quantity of industrial materials.

d) To study the formulas associated with industrial location.

e) To study the market for industrial products.

f) To study the import-export of manufactured goods etc.

Q.9. Mention / discuss the subject matter of resource geography.

Ans: - Subject matter Resource geography:

a) To study the type, quantity and regional distribution of resources.

b) To study the process of discovery or extraction of resources.

c) To study the factors involved in the production of resources.

d) To study the relationship between resources and development.

e) To study the use, conservation and management of resources etc.

Q. 10. Mention / discuss the subject matter of transport geography.

Ans: - Subject matter of Transport Geography:

a) To study the type of transport system and the factors involved

b) To study the role of transport in the distribution of resources

c) To study the role of transportation in human travel and activities

d) The role of transport in economic development is studied

Q. 11. Mention / discuss the subject matter of market geography.

Ans: - subject matter of Market Geography:

a) To study the market setting requirements and its factors

b) To study the types of markets

c) To study the factors of market distribution and distribution

d) To study the relationships between different markets etc.

Q.12. Mention / discuss the subject matter of planning and development geography.

Ans: - Subject matter of Planning and Development Geography:

a) To study the factors involved in planning and economic development

b) To study the planning system and policies

c) To study sustainable development systems

d) To study the region as well as production based development process etc.

Q.13. Mention / discuss the subject matter of tourism geography.

Ans: - subject matter of Tourism Geography:

a) To study the factors involved in tourism and its development

b) To study the types of tourism and the activities of the centers

c) To study the development process and plan of tourism system etc.

Q.14. "Resource is dynamic" - explain / discuss.

Ans: - Resource is dynamic:

Even if a product is not used by people today or is harmful to people, in the future that content can benefit people. Many such materials have been transformed into resources today as a result of the spread of human knowledge, development of science and technology and efforts. With the social change, the concept, acquisition and use of resources have also changed. For example, it is now possible to generate fire by rubbing primitive human stones, and by using different resources for the same purpose, and to use the same resources for different purposes.

Q.15. Write the differences between Resource and property.

Ans: - Difference between Resource and property:

a) Materials that have an exchange value are called property, but in order to be a resource or an asset, it must have both functionality and usefulness.

b) Supply of property is limited and transferable, house, shop etc. are property; But water, air, sunlight are not property but resource, hence, all properties are resource, but not all resources can be properties.

c) Resource or wealth benefits people, but property can benefit or harm people.

d) All properties have market value but the market value of all resources cannot be determined.

Q.16. Classify Resource.

Ans: - Resource classification:

A) According to the process of origin/creation-

i) Natural resources, ii) Man-made resources and iii) Human resources

B) According to the structure-

 i) Biotic/organic resources and ii) Abiotic/inorganic resources

C) According to the availability/durability/stability-

i) Renewable resources and ii) Non-renewable resources

D) According to the ownership-

i) Individual/personal resources, ii) National resources and iii) International resources

Q.17. Discuss the need to conserve and preserve resources.

Ans: - Requirement for Preservation of Resources:

Resource conservation is the use of resources to the fullest extent possible without any destruction or misuse.

The main purpose of conservation of resources is to achieve human welfare and benefit for a long time by acquiring necessary resources. This is because developed countries are making excessive use of natural resources in order to gain the top spot in the world. In developing and underdeveloped countries, the use of natural resources for population explosion is increasing exponentially. In addition, renewable resources are running out and many renewable resources are in crisis. Deforestation and degradation of biodiversity due to deforestation And the surrounding balance has been upset. We should be frugal in our use of natural resources in an unscientific and unscrupulous manner so that our development process is not transient.

Q.18. What are the main features of the resources?

Ans: - The main features of the asset are:

a) Usability- Resources are usable and benefit people.

b) Functionality/Efficiency- Action is not possible without resources.

c) Transferability/Variability - Reource creates other resources and one resource is converted into another.

Question. 19 Discuss in detail the methods of preserving resources.

Ans: - resources Preservation Method:

a) Exploration of alternative resources: - Search and discovery of alternative resources of a resource through research and survey should be continued. For example, instead of coal, petroleum, etc., the source of energy is to extract solar energy, bio-energy, wind energy, hydropower, etc.

b) Recycling: - Recycling of disposable waste through recycling process such as recycling of old polybags, plastic, paper, iron and tin materials etc.

c) Innovation/Adaptation: - Organic fertilizers can be used if new methods are adopted or introduced to prevent the negative or harmful effects caused by the application of resources such as application of chemical fertilizers.

d) Reduction of waste products/Waste control: - The quantity of waste products can be reduced by limiting the production of waste products and recycling such as waste bash produced in paper mill used in cottage industry, making dolls with used old cloth etc.

e) Expansion of knowledge and education: - It is necessary to increase public awareness about the accumulation, distribution, discovery and necessity of resources.

f) Execution of Conservation related Acts:- Implementation the law of conservation in practice.

g) Proper Assessment of resource reserve: Accurate assessment of the amount of resources stored.

h) Assessment of Future requirement of Resources: Determining the future needs of resources etc.

Q.20. Write a short note: "International Environmental Protection Agency" (IUCN).

Answer: - International Environmental Protection Agency (IUCN):

The IUCN was established in France in 1948 at the initiative of the first British biologist, Julian Huxley, the first executive director of UNESCO. The main objective of this organization is to "study, research and take necessary measures for the conservation of natural environment and natural resources and biodiversity of the whole world", WWF and WCMC have been established under the leadership of IUCN.

Q.21. Write briefly about the Indian organizations or programs established for the conservation of natural resources and environmental protection.

Ans: - All India Organization for Conservation of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection: -

a) The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MEFCC = Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change)

b) Indian Council of Forest Research and Education (ICFRE) established in 1986

c) Science and Environment Center (CSE = Center for Science & Environment)

d) Greenpeace India

e) Wildlife Trust of India (WTI = Wildlife Trust of India)

 Companies in Assam: -

a) Assam Science Society (ASS = Assam Science Society)

b) Assam Science Technology & Environment Council (ASTEC = Assam Science Technology & Enviromental Council)

c) Aranyaka etc.




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